Amazon Marketplace

Buy and sell at Amazon Marketplace. What do I have to keep in mind at Amazon Marketplace?

Amazon Marketplace

Amazon is a very famous company and enjoys a reputation among customers as a favorite go-to place when shopping on the web. But not only can products and items directly be purchased from Amazon, certain alternative products can also be searched for. Large and small Marketplace sellers can offer either used or brand new items here. It’s worth doing a price comparison between products in any case. But you can also sell your own product inventory through the Amazon Marketplace Platform.

Amazon Marketplace

What does Amazon Marketplace offer?

In principle, just about anything can be bought or sold on the Amazon Marketplace platform, since the assortment of products offered is so large. You can even sell old musical recordings like cassettes and records. Antique books which otherwise would not be available can also be found here.

Condition of goods

Amazon generally offers new products. A Marketplace merchant (FMB) can sell both new goods and used items on Amazon. The sale of B-grade goods can be seen on Amazon, going by the designation “Amazon Warehouse Deals”.

If you sell products as a Marketplace merchant, Amazon expects that the goods you sell are at least “acceptable”. Certain damaged items are sometimes sold on the Amazon Marketplace and may have limited use, or may even be useless. These include damaged devices, incomplete items in the area of computer software, or moldy books. has guidelines which lay out exact instructions for describing the condition of items.

What cannot be sold on the Amazon Marketplace?

There are a number of “prohibited items” which may not be sold on the Amazon Marketplace, including pornographic, violent, discriminatory, or racist material. The complete list of prohibited content is available on

But these regulations turn out to be rather weak. For instance, in August 2012 there were several NSDAP party programs for sale, which visibly featured swastikas.

Orders on the Amazon Marketplace

The actual ordering process is no different from other orders which are placed directly through Amazon. Payment is transmitted by Amazon to Marketplace merchants, but not the actual payment details.

If items are not shipped by Amazon, the seller must ship the items themselves and will be the point of contact for any returns.


  • You want to learn more about an item sold on the Marketplace.
  • You want to know when your order will be shipped and delivered.
  • Your shipment hasn’t arrived by the stated delivery date.
  • An item you received is damaged or defective, or a defect occurs within the warranty period.
  • The item you received isn’t what you ordered. A-to-Z guarantee

If any disagreements between you and the seller arise, and you cannot agree on a solution, you can make use of the “Amazon A-to-Z Guarantee”.

All sellers who operate on the Amazon Marketplace must keep their inventories sufficiently stocked. But it can also be that bottlenecks may occur in some cases. Thus Amazon urges its sellers not to let these happen.

Items sold by a Marketplace merchant via Amazon Prime (FBA) are handled by Amazon customer service if there are questions following an incoming order.

Contacting Amazon Marketplace merchants

You can contact an Amazon Marketplace seller before and after placing an order.

To contact before ordering:

  • On the product page under “Sale by name of seller,” click on the name of the seller.
  • On the next page (the “Seller page”) click the link “Further information” located on the right side.
  • Now you’ll see the seller’s details – click “Contact this seller”.
  • In the next step you can send the seller your question with all relevant information using the contact form.

Your message will be sent directly to the seller through the Amazon communication system. According to Amazon, you should always allow the seller two business days to answer your question via email.

Contacting a seller after placing an order:

  • In the menu item “My account,” click “My orders
  • Search for the corresponding order
  • Now, either click the name of the seller (below the item), sale by: “Sample seller”
  • Or, below the item next to “Do you have a question about the product?” click “Ask seller a question”
  • Or click the button “Ask a question about the product


Some items are sold by several sellers on at the same time. In this case, you have to click “new” or “used” on the details page to see the list of all sellers of an item.

Under “Seller information” you then click “Seller information, Impressum, Terms & conditions, Right of revocation,” which takes you to the seller details.
