research.product.keywords (POST)


Endpoint research.product.keywords returns the organic keywords the ASIN is ranking for.

POST research.product.keywords
Example call

JSON Payload

PropertyTypeDescriptionFurther informationVersion
paginationobjectObject containing the pagination informationpagination object definition0.1.12
filtersobjectObject containing the filter information0.1.12
filters.querystringFulltext search over all available fieldsoptional0.1.12
filters.asinstringThe ASIN for which ranking data is requested for0.1.12
filters.marketplacedateThe marketplace-ID, for which ranking data is requested for.valid marketplace-IDs0.1.12
filters.keywordExactstringOnly return items, matching (exact) the required keywordoptional0.1.12
filters.keywordPhrasestringOnly return items, matching (phrase) the required keywordoptional0.1.12
filters.positionOldobjectObject containing the conditions regarding the old ranking valuesoptional0.1.12
filters.positionOld.minintegerReturn only items, where the old ranking position was greater or equal xoptional0.1.12
filters.positionOld.maxintegerReturn only items, where the old ranking position was less or equal xoptional0.1.12
filters.positionNewobjectObject containing the conditions regarding the current ranking valuesoptional0.1.12
filters.positionNew.minintegerReturn only items, where the current ranking position was greater or equal xoptional0.1.12
filters.positionNew.maxintegerReturn only items, where the current ranking position was less or equal xoptional0.1.12
filters.statsImpressionsobjectObject containing the searchVolume for this keywordoptional0.1.15
filters.statsImpressions.minintegerReturn only items, where the monthly searchVolume is greater or equal xoptional0.1.15
filters.statsImpressions.maxintegerReturn only items, where the monthly searchVolume is less or equal xoptional0.1.15
filters.typesarrayReturn only keywords, matching the criteria
  • up: returns only keywords the ranking did improve
  • down: returns only keywords the ranking did decline
  • new: returns only new keywords
  • lost: returns only lost keywords
  • equal: returns only keywords the ranking did not change
filters.choicebooleanReturn only keywords, for which the specific ASIN has the "Choice Badge"optional
  • true
  • false
sortingarrayArray containing the sorting information0.1.12
sorting.columnstringThe column to sort
  • score: sort by the internal score
  • keyword: sort by the keyword alphabetically
  • position.old: sort by the old position
  • sort by the new position
  • change: sort by the type of change
  • stats.salesRate: sort by salesRate
  • stats.conversionsRate: sort by conversionsRate
  • choice
  • : sort by keywords, the ASIN owns the choice badge
sorting.directionstringThe direction to sortvalid direction values0.1.12
JSON Response

itemsarrayThe keywords for the requested ASIN (see keywordranking object definition for more information)
paginationobjectThe pagination object (see request information object definition for more information
requestobjectThe request information object (see request information object definition for more information
Updates / Changes
0.3.0added filters.choice to request
added choice as valid sorting.column option
added choice to response
0.1.15stats added to response
stats.impressions added to response
stats.salesRate added to response
stats.impressions added to response
statsImpressions added to filters
stats.salesRate added to sorting
stats.conversionsRate added to sorting
stats.impressions added to sorting