Endpoint research.product.keywords
returns the organic keywords the ASIN is ranking for.
research.product.keywords (POST)
POST research.product.keywords
Example call
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curl https://falcon.amalyze.com/<VERSION>/research.product.keywords \ -X POST \ -H "X-Falcon-Token: <YOUR-TOKEN-HERE>" \ -d ' { "pagination": { "page": 1, "size": 1 }, "filters": { "asin": "B0041MP2YC", "marketplace": "A1PA6795UKMFR9" }, "sorting": [ { "column": "keyword", "direction": "asc" } ] } ' |
JSON Payload
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 |
{ "pagination": { "page": 1, "size": 1 }, "filters": { "asin": "B0041MP2YC", "marketplace": "A1PA6795UKMFR9" }, "sorting": [ { "column": "keyword", "direction": "asc" } ] } |
Property | Type | Description | Further information | Version |
pagination | object | Object containing the pagination information | pagination object definition | 0.1.12 |
filters | object | Object containing the filter information | 0.1.12 | |
filters.query | string | Fulltext search over all available fields | optional | 0.1.12 |
filters.asin | string | The ASIN for which ranking data is requested for | 0.1.12 | |
filters.marketplace | date | The marketplace-ID, for which ranking data is requested for. | valid marketplace-IDs | 0.1.12 |
filters.keywordExact | string | Only return items, matching (exact) the required keyword | optional | 0.1.12 |
filters.keywordPhrase | string | Only return items, matching (phrase) the required keyword | optional | 0.1.12 |
filters.positionOld | object | Object containing the conditions regarding the old ranking values | optional | 0.1.12 |
filters.positionOld.min | integer | Return only items, where the old ranking position was greater or equal x | optional | 0.1.12 |
filters.positionOld.max | integer | Return only items, where the old ranking position was less or equal x | optional | 0.1.12 |
filters.positionNew | object | Object containing the conditions regarding the current ranking values | optional | 0.1.12 |
filters.positionNew.min | integer | Return only items, where the current ranking position was greater or equal x | optional | 0.1.12 |
filters.positionNew.max | integer | Return only items, where the current ranking position was less or equal x | optional | 0.1.12 |
filters.statsImpressions | object | Object containing the searchVolume for this keyword | optional | 0.1.15 |
filters.statsImpressions.min | integer | Return only items, where the monthly searchVolume is greater or equal x | optional | 0.1.15 |
filters.statsImpressions.max | integer | Return only items, where the monthly searchVolume is less or equal x | optional | 0.1.15 |
filters.types | array | Return only keywords, matching the criteria |
| 0.1.12 |
filters.choice | boolean | Return only keywords, for which the specific ASIN has the "Choice Badge" | optional
false | 0.3.0 |
sorting | array | Array containing the sorting information | 0.1.12 | |
sorting.column | string | The column to sort |
| 0.1.12 |
sorting.direction | string | The direction to sort | valid direction values | 0.1.12 |
JSON Response
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 |
{ "items": [ {<keywordranking>} ], "pagination": { "filtered": 245 }, "request": { "id": "ec0c1c94-d355-413f-813d-74827489c797", "took": 0.4768, "costs": 1, "remaining": 99999, "method": "research.product.keywords.get", "success": true, "error": { "code": null, "message": null, "hint": null } } } |
Property | Type | Description |
items | array | The keywords for the requested ASIN (see keywordranking object definition for more information) |
pagination | object | The pagination object (see request information object definition for more information |
request | object | The request information object (see request information object definition for more information |
Updates / Changes
Version | Description |
0.3.0 | added filters.choice to request |
added choice as valid | |
added choice to response | |
0.1.15 | stats added to response |
stats.impressions added to response | |
stats.salesRate added to response | |
stats.impressions added to response | |
statsImpressions added to filters | |
stats.salesRate added to sorting | |
stats.conversionsRate added to sorting | |
stats.impressions added to sorting |